Saturday, February 12, 2011

Passing (Fong and Chuang 55)

     While some people are comfortable with their culture others undergo drastic changes in order to fit accordingly to their wants and needs. Passing can be done for many different reasons such as to become more accepted, personal benefits and even to avoid personal persecution. This act is seen more frequently with biracial children who have a "muddled (Fong and Chuang 56)" sense of cultural identity.
     Passing comes in many forms. It could be a simple change of outer attire, or even an extreme of undergoing plastic surgery. I find it hard to imagine a life where I wanted to change, but maybe I'm just fortunate. Even though I wouldn't undergo change I have no hard feelings towards those who feel the need to. 
      Another example of passing is drag queens, who are men who dress up like women. I find it fascinating while acceptance is getting better there is still a huge group who still aren't comfortable with it. This fascination is with the consideration that not too long ago there were only male actors and therefore they had to play all roles including that of females, and they weren't regarded as hideous, degrading, or any other sort of prejudice.The cartoons below are examples of jokes that are used towards drags, and they may be funny to some people, I even caught myself silently giggling, but in actuality these people aren't dressing differently to be ridiculed. This act is for a higher purpose and we therefore should honor it and let them do there thing while we do ours, for its not harming anyone.

1 comment:

  1. I think all of us do some type of Passing. I like to use passing in my clothes, i always try to wear trendy clothes. But as i started school I noticed that i dress way more differently at school than back home. When im at school i just wear whatever is comfortable and when i'm not at school i like to get a little more dressed up. As far as drag queens, i dont really care for it oo much. It honestly kind of weirds me out because some of these men are pretty they look exactly like women! But i mean thats how they want to live and who am i to judge the way someone wants to live their life.
